Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to check mssql version installed + install option

Open a cmd and type :

select @@version

Default instance is that you connect just by specifying the server name (eg, MYSERVER), whereas a named instance will require an instance name as well (eg, MYSERVER\SQL2005).

Clients can connect to the default instance using only the host name over the well-known 1433 port.
To connect to a named instance, clients specify the host and instance name (e.g. "MyHost\My_Instance") and the SQL Server Browser service returns the port the named instance is listening on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to view motherboard name in windows

After installing a system if you don't know the mb manufacturer and/or model so you can install drivers - without any 3rd party software you can use :

Win+R => type :

sometimes these provide the information sometimes they dont.

In those cases run in cmd :
wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

or just

wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer

or to get all data :

wmic baseboard list full /format:hform > %temp%\a.html
start %temp%\a.html

wmic output customisation

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Format SD card - USB stick with FAT32 vs NTFS

NTFS has over fat32 the following :

- supports files bigger then 4GB and capacity over 2TB
- is a journaling file system where changes to files are logged to a jurnal before there are mode ( good in case of a power loss while writing, it wont need to scan all disk)
- support file permissions with user ID, read only etc

Advantages of FAT32 is that no journaling means less writes to the disk so longer life, no file permissions that cause problems when moving the media from one device to another

Allocation unit while formatting :
- smaller size better for space efficiency - if you have many small size files. Ex a 10kb file will need 5 2kb blocks if you chose 2kb allocation unit and when reading will require 5 blocks to be read.
- bigger size for better performance - it will read the data faster, but it will waste space on smaller files - but unnoticeable on larger size disks.