Saturday, March 28, 2015

How to configure a dns and an email server on windows 7

I used Simple DNS Plus and Quick ‘n Easy Mail Server - note that both are not free software but you can try them in trial mode.
You will also need and EML file viewer because the emails are saved as .eml files.
Get FREE EML File Viewer from here

They are very strait forward to configure.
In Simple DNS Plus - Select Records and add a Primary zome.
Then add in your zone an MX-record and make some inquiry to see if everything is ok.

To check if your mail server dns settings are good, open a cmd and make an inquiry :

nslookup -q=mx 
         (uses your isp or local dns server to resolve)
nslookup -q=mx 
(using specified Google dns server to interrogate for our domain - I recommend this as it is almost instant update)

To check local open port on your system/server use CurrPorts if you want a Gui or netstat

For dns you have to open port 53
For email you have to open ports : 25,110

You have to port forward ports 53, 25, 110 if you have a router.

You can use this site to check if your ports are open :

 Additional information :

To clear dns cash in windows in cmd type : ipconfig /flushdns
To see in browser new changes made to dns change your dns to ( google dns) 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dxtory does not start recording games

Dxtory does not recognize game/show FPS.

If you record your games with an OSD like MSI Afterburner/RivaTuner, you have to ckeck in the
Dxtory - Advanced  Settings - Delay Hook - checkbox.

Also you must first start Dxtory then start the game, it will automatically create a profile for the game, then start  MSI Afterburner/RivaTuner, and it will record with you OSD.

If you turn the stealth mode on in Rivatuner you can record while the OSD is up, but it won't show up in the video.

You can get dxtory from here :
You should use it with the Lagarith codec (that supports multi-threading) from here :
so you can record without full loading one of the cores of your cpu, that will have bad effects on your fps.